Honors Program

IUSB Honors Memphis Trip Spring 2024

During the 2022-2023 Academic Year, Honors students completed approximately 6,768 hours of service on campus and in the community.

Honors Program Fast Facts Fall 2023

Black/African American6%
American Indian/Alaska Native2%
First Generation College Students29%
21st Century Scholars12%
Frank O'Bannon Grant Recipients23%
Student Athletes5%
International Students5%
Full-Time Students91%
Part-Time Students9%
Student Geographics
St. Joseph County41%
Elkhart County27%
Other Indiana Counties27%
Other States1%
Breakdown by Colleges/Schools
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences35%
Vera Z. Dwyer College of Health Sciences31%
Judd Leighton School of Business and Economics18%
Ernestine M. Raclin School of the Arts6%
School of Education8%
School of Social Work3%

Honors Club

Students who work to maintain academic excellence now have a club on campus which allows them to meet other students, like themselves. All members of the Honors Program are admitted as members of the IU South Bend Honors Club. 

The purpose of the club is to provide students in the program with a community of like-minded individuals as well as a social outlet for rest and relaxation. The club serves to promote collaboration among its members and to encourage new student participation. It also encourages students to be involved on campus and within the local community. In short, the club helps build relationships and social networks among some of the most highly motivated students and faculty on our campus—a benefit that will serve students well long into the future as they seek employment and admission to graduate and professional school programs.

As a group, club members have study sessions, movie nights, pizza parties, and they take trips. 

Honors students have recently taken trips to the the Shakespeare Festival in Stratford, Ontario; New York City; and the Mammoth Cave region of Kentucky.

Club activities are very strongly encouraged and contribute to a more fulfilling college experience. 

Club activities are subsidized by the Honors Program,