Undergraduate Research Journal

About the Undergraduate Research Journal

We welcome submissions from undergraduates in every academic discipline represented on the IU South Bend campus. Each year, we strive to produce a journal which demonstrates the strength of undergraduate scholarship atIU South Bend. We have the distinct pleasure of granting students the opportunity to express their ideas to a broader academic audience. Our authors are encouraged to demonstrate the following techniques in their high-caliber research writing: 

  • Innovative Contribution or Interpretation–original research or novel ideas which engage with and/or contribute to others’ research.
  • Rich Content–bringing forth various techniques, results, research data, or publishable findings within the article presented cohesively and referenced as appropriate.
  • Topical Fluency–exhibiting not only knowledge of the material facts or theories, but also the ability to engage in a salient discussion of the issues with the reading audience.

The URJ is one of several student-run publications on the IU South Bend campus, and proudly so. All editors-in-chief and assistant editors are undergraduates who collaborate with the student authors and are integral in evaluating, compiling and designing each year’s edition. The final published product showcases the exemplary scholarship of IU South Bend’s student body.

Important Information

NOTICE | If your project has required IRB approval, please attach all approval documents, and write the approval number on the checklist paper.

To Students:

Thank you for your interest in submitting to the Undergraduate Research Journal of Indiana University South Bend during the current academic school year! The deadline for submissions is February 1st, at 11:59 p.m. The upcoming edition of the Undergraduate Research Journal will be available in April. Check back to see important updates to the deadline.

Please be aware, a qualified faculty member of your choice must first review your submission before submitting to the URJ. A qualifying faculty member may be one of the following: a class instructor, faculty advisor, or an instructor in the area of research from which your paper originates. There is a Faculty Checklist that must be filled out by your instructor and sent in along with your manuscript. This checklist contains the criteria with which your paper must meet before submission to the URJ. Please provide your instructor this document or a link to it to fill out. In addition, you may download the Student Guidelines document to help you submit your paper.

Following review of your paper manuscript from your qualified faculty member, it is the author's responsibility to return these items to the URJ.

Submission by email is required.

Submissions can be submitted by emailing your work and documentation to iusb.urj.editor@gmail.com. Much thanks and appreciation for your anticipated participation.

Novel Research Paper Guidelines

Below are guidelines to aid in the submission process. These guidelines cover the basic paper requirements your faculty member with be following. Please kindly note, all of these guidelines must be met before submitting a paper to the URJ.

Please provide the following in one document, along with the PDF checklist completed out by your instructor. Please send only these two documents.

  • Paper must meet the following typeset requirements:
    • Paper must be 5-20 pages
    • Times New Roman (or similar), 12 pt. font
    • containing the title page, author, contact information (email and phone)
    • 120 words or less abstract manuscript body
    • bibliography. 
  • Paper submissions to the URJ must be made electronically. Printed drafts are NOT acceptable. final versions must be made via email, to iusb.urj.editor@gmail.com. Microsoft® Word® ONLY.
  • The URJ considers original research (i.e. laboratory) or novel ideas on others' research and S/B Works must have a minimum of three appropriate references. No review papers will be accepted.
  • No specific citation formats are required; however, citations of consulted literature must be appropriately formatted and consistent with the paper's academic area (i.e. APA, MLA, CBE, etc).
  • Research must  have been completed while an undergraduate IU South Bend student. REU's and other off-campus research programs are acceptable as long as you were an IU South Bend student. However, work completed by transfer students for their previous institution does not qualify (i.e. transfer student from IU Bloomington completes research with IU Bloomington faculty does not qualify).
  • Paper submissions must be written in an interpretable manner to general audiences.
  • Copyright agreement

The Undergraduate Research Journal is currently seeking submissions from every academic discipline represented on the IU South Bend Campus. This is an opportunity to express your ideas and research efforts to a broader academic audience. Submissions are due by February 1st. All submissions should be sent via email to iusb.urj.editor@gmail.com. We look forward to reading about your projects!

The URJ is currently seeking enthusiastic, motivated, and reliable editors to help with compiling content for this year's Journal. Please contact the current Editor-in-Chief at iusb.urj.editor@gmail.com if you are interested in helping to edit the URJ or if you have any questions about editor's positions. Editors of the URJ are eligible to submit their work to the ...

Frequently Asked Questions

Please direct any questions not covered to the Undergraduate Research Journal at iusb.urj.editor@gmail.com.

Past and Present Editors-in-Chief
  • 2024-2025 Journal | Alissa Sonnenberg
  • 2023-2024 Journal | Rachel Hall
  • 2022-2023 Journal | Shaun Calhoun
  • 2021-2022 Journal | Steven Frye
  • 2020-2021 Journal | Sabrah Alajmi
URJ Faculty Advisor
  • Dr. Shahir Rizk
Earlier Journals

Contact the Undergraduate Research Journal to view earlier articles