Requesting a New Common Core Course
The following AAC course designations are approved for use on the IU South Bend campus:
ENG (A190/A399), FINA (A190/A399,) INMS (A399), MUS A190, THTR (A190/A399), ANTH A390
If the common core course designation you wish to use is not listed above, you must follow the instructions outlined in steps 1 and 2 below. For example, if you wish to offer a HIST-A 190 course, you must first gain approval to use HIST-A 190 on this campus.
Step 1 | CARMin New Course Approval Process
- Check with the person in your unit (chair, unit head, registrar) about obtaining the required course designation for use on this campus. Alternatively, you may call MaryAnn Iaria at (812) 855-2218
to reserve the subject designation with the A190 or A399 number
- Once the course designation has been reserved, submit a new course request through the CARMin remonstrance process via One.IU services>faculty systems>initiate new course/change course request
- Each common core category has the same title and course description. In preparing the CARMin form for a new common core course, please answer the questions below with the following:
Q5a | Course number: A-190 or A-399 (Select one)
Q8a | Course title: Arts, Aesthetics, and Creativity
Q14 | Is variable title approval being requested? YES
Q16 | Course Description for A-190 | Explores artistic disciplines and associated forms, materials, and practices. Develops students’ making, looking, and listening skills. Through the creative process, students explore relationships to other individuals and cultures, and review the implications of their learning for their personal, academic, and professional pursuits.
Course Description for A-399 | Explores in an interdisciplinary way, culture, cultural artifacts, and the roles of art and creativity in the formation and expression of culture. Historical perspectives on the intellectual tradition reveals both change and deeper continuities in the social and spiritual values underlying creativity and/or the making of art.
Q27 | Justification for New Course | Course is being designed to meet a general education requirement.
Essential syllabus information: Submit your particular course as an example of a variable title course. - Upon approval on this campus (unit curriculum committee, unit dean, General Education Committee, Senate Curriculum Committee, VCAA’s Office), the proposal is submitted for remonstrance for at least a 30 day period, before final approval for the new course is complete.
Step 2 | Senate General Education Committee Approval Process
Because the process for obtaining new course approval can take many weeks, once the course has been approved by your unit Curriculum Committee, the new course should be submitted to the Senate General Education Committee for approval. This step requires filing a Gen Ed Proposal Form
The following HBSI course designations are approved for use on the IU South Bend campus:
ANTH-B 190/B-399, BUS B-190/B-399, COGS B-190, NURS-3 99, POLS-B 190/B-399, PSY-B 190/B-399, SOC-B 190/B-399, SPCH-B 399, SUST-B 399, WGS-B 399
If the common core course designation you wish to use is not listed above, you must follow the instructions outlined in steps 1 and 2 below. For example, if you wish to offer a HIST-B 190 course, you must first gain approval to use HIST-B 190 on this campus.
Step 1 | CARMin New Course Approval Process
- Check with the person in your unit (chair, unit head, registrar) about obtaining the required course designation for use on this campus. Alternatively, you may call MaryAnn Iaria at(812) 855-2218
to reserve the subject designation with the A190 or A399 number
- Once the course designation has been reserved, submit a new course request through the CARMin remonstrance process via One.IU services>faculty systems>initiate new course/change course request
- Each common core category has the same title and course description. In preparing the CARMin form for a new common core course, please answer the questions below with the following:
Q5a | Course number: B-190 or B-399 (Select one)
Q8a | Course title: Human Behavior and Social Institutions
Q14 | Is variable title approval being requested? YES
Q16 | Course Description for B-190 | Develops insights into human nature, the nature of social institutions, the social processes that shaped the world of the twenty-first century. In an interdisciplinary way, introduces the distinctive perspectives of the social sciences, emphasizing frameworks and techniques used in explaining causes and patterns of individual and institutional behavior.
Course Description for B-399 | Develops insights into human nature, the nature of social institutions, the social processes that shaped the world of the twenty-first century. Explores a specific critical problem or social science theme in a manner that takes into account perspectives from several disciplines. Attention given to ethical dilemmas as they arise in the discipline and theme of course.
Q27 | Justification for New Course | Course is being designed to meet a general education requirement.
Essential syllabus information: Submit your particular course as an example of a variable title course. - Upon approval on this campus (unit curriculum committee, unit dean, General Education Committee, Senate Curriculum Committee, VCAA’s Office), the proposal is submitted for remonstrance for at least a 30 day period, before final approval for the new course is complete.
Step 2 | Senate General Education Committee Approval Process
Because the process for obtaining new course approval can take many weeks, once the course has been approved by your unit Curriculum Committee, the new course should be submitted to the Senate General Education Committee for approval. This step requires filing a Gen Ed Proposal Form
The following Natural World course designations are approved for use on the IU South Bend campus:
ANTH-N 190/N-390, AST-N 190/N-390, BIOL-N 190/N-390, CHEM-N 190/N-390, GEOL-N 190, MATH-N 390, PHYS-N 190
If the common core course designation you wish to use is not listed above, you must follow the instructions outlined in steps 1 and 2 below. For example, if you wish to offer a WGS-N 190 course, you must first gain approval to use WGS-N 190 on this campus.
Step 1 | CARMin New Course Approval Process
- Check with the person in your unit (chair, unit head, registrar) about obtaining the required course designation for use on this campus. Alternatively, you may call MaryAnn Iaria at (812) 855-2218
to reserve the subject designation with the N-190 or N-390 number
- Once the course designation has been reserved, submit a new course request through the CARMin remonstrance process via One.IU services>faculty systems>initiate new course/change course request
- Each common core category has the same title and course description. In preparing the CARMin form for a new common core course, please answer the questions below with the following:
Q5a | Course number: N-190 or N-390 (Select one)
Q8a | Course title: The Natural World
Q14 | Is variable title approval being requested? YES
Q16 | Course Description for N-190 | Introduces students to the methods and logic of science, and helps them understand the importance of science to the development of civilization and the contemporary world. Provides a context within which to evaluate the important scientific and technological issues of modern society. Interdisciplinary elements.
Course Description for N-390 | Explores an important scientific or technological issue in modern society. Applies scientific methods and interdisciplinary perspectives in an examination of the subject. Investigates the broader implications and ethical dimensions of scientific research and technological advancement.
Q27 | Justification for New Course | Course is being designed to meet a general education requirement.
Essential syllabus information: Submit your particular course as an example of a variable title course. - Upon approval on this campus (unit curriculum committee, unit dean, General Education Committee, Senate Curriculum Committee, VCAA’s Office), the proposal is submitted for remonstrance for at least a 30 day period, before final approval for the new course is complete.
Step 2 | Senate General Education Committee Approval Process
Because the process for obtaining new course approval can take many weeks, once the course has been approved by your unit Curriculum Committee, the new course should be submitted to the Senate General Education Committee for approval. This step requires filing a Gen Ed Proposal Form
The following Literary and Intellectual Traditions course designations are approved for use on the IU South Bend campus:
CMLT-T 190/T-390, ENG-T 190/T-390/T-191/T-192, FINA-T 190/T-390, HIST-T 190/T-390), HPSC-T 390, MUS-T 190/T-390, PHIL-T 190/T-390, PSY-T 190, TEL-T 390, THTR-T 190, WGS-T 190/T-390
If the common core course designation you wish to use is not listed above, you must follow the instructions outlined in steps 1 and 2 below. For example, if you wish to offer a POLS-T 190 course, you must first gain approval to use POLS-T 190 on this campus.
Step 1 | CARMin New Course Approval Process
- Check with the person in your unit (chair, unit head, registrar) about obtaining the required course designation for use on this campus. Alternatively, you may call MaryAnn Iaria at (812) 855-2218
to reserve the subject designation with the T-190 or T-390 number
- Once the course designation has been reserved, submit a new course request through the CARMin remonstrance process via One.IU services>faculty systems>initiate new course/change course request
- Each common core category has the same title and course description. In preparing the CARMin form for a new common core course, please answer the questions below with the following:
Q5a | Course number: T-190 or T-390 (Select one)
Q8a | Course title: Literary and Intellectual Traditions
Q14 | Is variable title approval being requested? YES
Q16 | Course Description for T-190 | Explores, in an interdisciplinary way, one of the great humanistic traditions of inquiry regarding one of the following themes: ideas of self, truth, beauty, community, nature, or conflict. Writing intensive, discussion focused.
Course Description for T-390 | Interdisciplinary exploration of a humanistic tradition of inquiry regarding one of the following themes: ideas of self, truth, beauty, community, nature, or conflict. Writing intensive, discussion focused. Attention to primary texts and research materials.
Q27 | Justification for New Course | Course is being designed to meet a general education requirement.
Essential syllabus information: Submit your particular course as an example of a variable title course. - Upon approval on this campus (unit curriculum committee, unit dean, General Education Committee, Senate Curriculum Committee, VCAA’s Office), the proposal is submitted for remonstrance for at least a 30 day period, before final approval for the new course is complete.
Step 2 | Senate General Education Committee Approval Process
Because the process for obtaining new course approval can take many weeks, once the course has been approved by your unit Curriculum Committee, the new course should be submitted to the Senate General Education Committee for approval. This step requires filing a Gen Ed Proposal Form