Assessment Committee

Committee on Assessment

The report ...
  • will be submitted in an electronic format, and be suitable for posting on the assessment website, (i.e. all individual’s names should be deleted)
  • will state the name of the grant, the department that received the grant, and the principal faculty involved in carrying out the grant.
  • will be one to three pages in length. (If the assessment grant was part of a larger project, or has been published in another format, the longer report can be attached to the assessment committee final report.)
  • should answer the following questions:
    • What were the results of your assessment project?
    • How will these results be used to improve your program’s assessment of student learning outcomes, (i.e. changes in educational goals, changes in assessment techniques, increases in participation of stakeholders or changes in record-keeping and communication?)
    • Will the work started with this assessment project be continued, if so, how?
    • How are the results of your assessment project being shared with department, faculty, students, IU South Bend faculty, and appropriate groups?