The Excellence in Teaching with Technology Award honors one faculty member per year who shows evidence of outstanding and innovative use of technology to improve student engagement and learning in any course format (face-to-face, hybrid, online). Awardees will receive a one-time stipend of $1,000 and a Certificate of Recognition, and will be featured on the Excellence in Teaching with Technology Award website. Individuals who have received the Excellence in Teaching with Technology Award in previous years are not eligible to reapply.
Excellence in Teaching with Technology Award
All tenured and tenure-track faculty, full-time lecturers, clinical faculty (whose primary duty is teaching), and associate faculty who:
- Have taught at IU South Bend for a minimum of three years (not necessarily academic years); six semesters for associate faculty; and
- Have not previously received this award
Candidates do not need to be nominated for this award; self-nominations are acceptable. It is the candidate's responsibility to compile the completed application and email it as a single PDF file to the Director of Online Education at ( by 11:59 p.m. on February 1. Please use subject Excellence in Teaching with Technology Award.
Late submissions will not be accepted.
Please note, this is the same deadline as the Excellence in Online Teaching Award. Applicants may apply for either or both awards.
To present a case of excellent in teaching with technology, the applicant is required to submit evidence from each area described below. The combined total from areas 2 to 4 must not exceed 10 pages. The cover sheet and Appendix do not count as part of the 10-page limit (see below).
Please use 12-point easy-to-read font, one-inch margins, and page numbers. Content of the application should be included in a single PDF file in the order stated below.
- Cover sheet: A cover sheet that includes the following information: Name, title, rank, department/school/college, email, years of teaching at IU South Bend.
- Teaching Statement: A descriptive and reflective statement about the applicant’s approach to innovative use of technology in teaching, and highlighting particular strengths. The applicant should use this statement to make the case for sustained and consistent use of technology in teaching. This statement is limited to three pages.
- Summary of accomplishments for teaching with technology:
- Table of courses taught that implemented technology at IU South Bend by semester, and course enrollment
- Evidence of use of technology in teaching impact on student learning and engagement
- Demonstrations of engagement activities in teaching with technology, such as:
- Teaching with technology course development
- Teaching with technology teaching innovations/curriculum design
- Teaching with technology related publications and/or presentations
- Teaching with technology grants (briefly describe purpose grant)
- Engagement in activities for faculty development in teaching with technology
- Service/Leadership related to teaching with technology (briefly describe role)
- Peer review: One peer review of teaching, focusing on innovative use of technology, by a full-time faculty member (whether the reviewer taught online, hybrid or face-to-face courses) is required. The peer reviewer must explicitly state the date the candidate’s teaching was observed, and should not have supervisory relationship with the candidate or be faculty co-teaching a course or was co-teaching a course at the time of the peer review. The peer review must be conducted within the past two years, and the letter is limited to two pages.
- Appendix
- Mini-course portfolio from a course implementing innovative technology:
- Syllabus
- One lesson or module and its assessment (exam items or assignment) as screenshots
- Students feedback regarding the use of innovative technology
- Course evaluations or other student feedback, for at least 3 courses, on the use of innovative technology. Please include a brief commentary on how student feedback has informed your teaching with technology. This summary is limited to two pages.
- Mini-course portfolio from a course implementing innovative technology:
This committee will be composed of three faculty members who have experience in teaching with technology, a professional staff who has worked with faculty development, and the Director of Online Education.
Below is a list of criteria with recommended evidence to support each criteria, applicants do NOT need to provide all evidence in order to apply for the award.
- Innovative Approach
___ Evidence of using technology to create student-centered instruction.
___ Evidence of using technology tool(s) to facilitate learning by engaging students with course content.
___ Evidence of incorporating low-cost or no cost materials when available.
- Technology Integration
___ Evidence of integrating instructional technologies to promote student learning and meet student need.
___ Evidence of “value added” to instruction with the integration of technology.
___ Evidence of sustained and consistent use of new technology for teaching.
- Technology Tool(s) Promote Learner Engagement and Active Learning
___ Evidence of technology tool(s) used to support communication, interactivity, and transfer of learning.
___ Evidence of technology tool(s) used to foster teaching presence via active monitoring, engagement and feedback delivery.
___ Evidence of technology tools(s) used to enhance targeted cognitive tasks, facilitates higher order thinking and provides formative feedback to learners.
- Engagement in Teaching with Technology
___ Evidence of course development, teaching innovations and/or curriculum design.
___ Evidence of publications and/or presentations related to teaching with technology.
___ Evidence of award(s) of technology grants.
___ Evidence of active and on-going efforts to improve teaching with technology.
___ Service/leadership related to teaching with technology.
- Peer Review
___ Evidence of effective and innovative use of technology to enhance teaching and/or student learning.
Award Winner/s

2022 Award Winner
Ryan Olivier, D.M.A., Assistant Professor of Music, Ernestine M. Raclin School of the Arts

2020 Award Winner
Lori Pajakowski, D.N.P., Assistant Professor of Nursing, Vera Z. Dwyer College of Health Sciences

2019 Award Winner
Mohammad Merhi, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Decision Sciences, Judd Leighton School of Business and Economics

2018 Award Winner
Maryann Oake, M.B.A., Director of Radiologic Sciences; and Clinical Assistant Professor of Radiologic Sciences, Vera Z. Dwyer College of Health Sciences

2017 Award Winner
Haiyan Yin, Ph.D., Associate Professor of International Business, Judd Leighton School of Business and Economics