Chancellor’s Professors are faculty who contribute in concrete, demonstrable ways to the development of IU South Bend as an academic community of exceptional quality and integrity, as well as to their discipline through the creation and application of knowledge. Through their scholarship, leadership, and service to their department, school or college, and campus, successful nominees will have demonstrated a record of contributions to the mission and vision of IU South Bend. There should be clear evidence of the candidate’s strengths that demonstrates a consistently excellent performance of benefit to the University over time. Faculty with distinguished records reflecting interdisciplinary accomplishments or work integrating teaching, scholarship, and service are encouraged as well.
Full professor
Minimum Number of Years at IU South Bend
10 years at time of nomination
Minimum Number of Years in Rank
4 years at time of nomination
Chancellor, Executive Vice Chancellor, Deans
A record of highly meritorious performance in all areas of faculty work (teaching, research or creative activity, and service), or librarian work (performance, research or creative activity, and service) demonstrated throughout one’s career.
Award Benefit
$5,000 added to base pay in year of initial appointment as Chancellor’s Professor
Length of Title
The Chancellor’s Professor will carry the title in perpetuity
Awardee Responsibilities
During the initial year of appointment, the awardee will undertake a project that advances the mission of the campus. The project will be determined in consultation with the Chancellor. The awardee will receive one three-credit course release each semester (or something comparable if a librarian) for the academic year in which she/he is initially appointed as a Chancellor’s Professor to complete the project.
Any tenured faculty member may nominate a full professor colleague to be considered for the Chancellor’s Professorship. No self-nominations will be considered.
The nominator is responsible for compiling a dossier, which should include:
Letter of Nomination
Supporting Letters
- Three letters from internal and/or external sources (no page limit)
- The nominator will work with the candidate to determine whom to solicit for the supporting letters.
- Supporting letters should be sent to the nominator so that he/she can add them to the candidate’s dossier materials.
- For individuals external to IU South Bend, the nominator must submit a paragraph describing the qualifications of the letter author.
- See guiding questions for the supporting letters below.
- A note from the candidate’s dean (and, where applicable, the candidate’s chair) agreeing to the course releases.
Documents from the Candidate
- Current curriculum vitae (CV)
- Three-page statement including two pages that provide an overview of their achievements in all three areas of faculty/librarian work and how they have contributed to the mission and advancement of IU South Bend, as well as a one-page proposal for a project that aligns with campus strategic priorities
Formatting Guidelines for all Documents
- Font of 11 points or larger
- Single-spaced
- Margins of at least one inch on all sides
- Adhere to page limits; Please note that committee members are not obligated to read beyond the maximum number of pages indicated for any attachment
Suggestions for Author/s of Nominating Letters
- In what ways does the candidate have a solid foundation in all three areas of faculty life? In what ways does the scope of the candidate’s work or influence in the three areas reach beyond the department or school to the campus, discipline, or higher education in general?
- On campus, in what ways does the candidate exhibit leadership in the areas of teaching/ performance, research/ creative activity, and service?
- In what ways does the candidate have a presence outside of his/her unit? In what ways would she/he be considered by the campus community to be an exemplary “university citizen?”
- In what ways does the candidate’s service work cross unit boundaries for the improvement of teaching, learning, or research on campus?
- Over time, in what ways has the candidate shown growth in his/her faculty life and contributions to campus life?
- How does the candidate’s service speak to a broad-based commitment to IU South Bend and its mission?
The nominator will assemble and submit the dossier in electronic form to Shelby Ping, Academic Affairs Administrative Assistant ( by the last business day of February.
Incomplete dossiers will not be forwarded to the Selection Committee.
The Selection Committee is comprised of
- The current (or, if not available, a previous) Chancellor's Professor
- One tenured professor named by the Academic Senate Executive Committee
- One tenured professor named by the Executive Vice Chancellor's Office
- One tenured professor named by the Chancellor
- The Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs will serve as an ex-officio non-voting member. They will chair the committee and provide the necessary support for the committee and selection process
Faculty may not serve as a voting member on the committee
- For more than two consecutive years, or
- If nominated, serving as a nominator, or writing a supporting letter
The Selection Committee will forward all candidate names, dossiers, and its recommendation to the Chancellor. The Chancellor will take the Selection Committee’s recommendation as advisory to their own evaluation. Final selection of the Chancellor’s Professor rests with the Chancellor.