What is Student Engagement Roster (SER)?
The Student Engagement Roster (SER) is an important component of the IU Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation Success (FLAGS) initiative to promote student persistent and graduation.
The SER is used by faculty teaching undergraduate students to provide:
- Observations about student attendance, participation and performance, both negative and positive.
- Recommendations to direct students how to improve performance and to connect them to available campus resources. The feedback is made available to students and is accessed by advisors and Titan Success Coaches through the Advising Records System (AdRx). Broad use by the faculty allows for appropriate intervention measures.

In addition to preset selections for observations and recommendation, the SER allows for notes to be added. Please note that the SER does not replace the conversations faculty normally have with individual students regarding attendance and progress.
Timely and frequent use of the SER allows it to serve as the campuses Early Warning System:
- Permits identification and withdrawal of students never attending. If withdrawn in the first week, students will not be charged tuition and fees and they won’t be included in the census data. It will also reduce the assignment of FNN grades.
- Allows identification of academically at risk students in courses and recommendations of interventions for those individuals.
- Reviews of aggregate data may identify at-risk patterns and allow for targeted intervention services.
The SER does serve as Student Engagement Roster:
- Motivate students to maintain their degree of engagement and excellence in your classroom (e.g., “excellent participation”)
- Encourage students to engage in curricular and co-curricular activities (e.g., consider the Honor’s Program)
If a student misses the first class, report them as never-attending. This will permit identification and withdrawal of students never attending. If withdrawn in the first week, students will not be charged tuition and fees and they won’t be included in the census data. It will also reduce the assignment of FNN grades.
If students subsequently attend it is important to report them as attending so as not to impact their financial aid. Also, if a student could not attend your first week of class but has contacted you with a reasonable explanation you may report them as Attending to prevent them from losing financial aid.
Consider assigning and collecting a low-stakes assignment and/or monitor time spent accessing course Canvas page to determine level of engagement. Submit recommendations (e.g., “attend class”).
Report overall course performance and changes in attendance and engagement. Submit recommendations (e.g., “seek help at the Writer’s Room”).
Submit changes in attendance, level of engagement, and performance on assignments. Review previous indicators and modify as needed. Follow up with students with ongoing negative indicators. The Office of Financial Aid will be pulling attendance reports and needs you to report Attending or Attendance Improving for those that are attending but have been flagged as never attended.
Midterm: Provide negative and positive recommendations for all students (e.g., “keep up the good work”). Review previous indicators and modify as needed. Follow up with students with negative indicators. The last day for automatic drop is the end of the 9th week.
Monitor biweekly the attendance, engagement and performance of students, and submit observed changes (both positive and negative) as well as recommendations.